Posts by tag


era 0.3.1: year-based time scales in R

era v0.3.1 is now available on CRAN: install.packages("era") I wrote about the basic concept of the package in my last post. It provides a representation ...

Beta release of era

era is a small R package for working with different year numbering systems. There are a few systems in use in archaeology, geology, and other palaeosciences;...

Lactose intolerance around the world

Most of us in the western world take drinking milk for granted, but the ability to digest lactose into adulthood is actually relatively uncommon from a globa...

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Lactose intolerance around the world

Most of us in the western world take drinking milk for granted, but the ability to digest lactose into adulthood is actually relatively uncommon from a globa...

Not so civilised

The way the word ‘civilisation’ is bandied about in popular writing about ancient history has always bugged me. Most archaeologists must be well aware of how...

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#30DayMapChallenge 2020

The #30DayMapChallenge is an event challenging cartographers to make a map on a given theme on each day in November 2020. Maps are submitted under a Twitt...

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Excavating at Kharaneh IV

I wrote a brief guest post for the Kharaneh IV blog, an Epipalaeolithic site in Jordan where I’ve been working the last few weeks: I spent last week di...

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